Sunday, June 30, 2024


SATAN IS NOT THE GOOD GUY Looking ahead, the conference is set to hold further votes on centrally banning LGBT clergy and same-sex weddings as part of its laws and regulations - bound to attract more discussions. Still, Tuesday's momentous voting result signals what could potentially be the direction of the conference. So much so, these voting items were swiftly moved into the "consent calendar," generally assigned for non-contentious matters. Following a historic split in what was once the third-largest denomination in the US, about one-quarter of American congregations departed from 2019 to 2023. The exodus consisted mainly of conservative churches unhappy with the denomination's failure to uphold its long-standing LGBT prohibitions. With fewer conservative delegates present, who had previously dominated general conferences and consistently reinforced such bans, progressive delegates are now swiftly acting to overturn these policies. These changes may lead to further withdrawals by some international congregations, especially in Africa where conservative views on sexuality are widespread and same-sex relations are illegal in certain nations. The "United Methodist Church's: legislation still prohibits the ordination of "self-avowed practicing homosexuals" into ministry, a rule that is slated for reconsideration later in a week. Nonetheless, this Tuesday saw the General Conference vote to eliminate a related prohibition preventing church authorities from considering individuals for ordination who identify as LGBT. It also lifted bans on bishops ordaining LGBT individuals as clergy or consecrating them as bishops. Furthermore, it abolished compulsory penalties, established by the 2019 General Conference, for clergy who officiate at ceremonies celebrating same-sex marriages or unions. Additionally, it implemented a moratorium on any ecclesiastical judicial proceedings aimed at disciplining clergy for breaching rules related to maqking males into females and visa versa. The General Conference has taken significant steps towards being openly LGBT "affirming". They scrapped a traditional ban that prevented United Methodist entities from using funds "to promote the acceptance of homosexuality." This traditional restriction also stopped funding for any campaigns to "reject or condemn lesbian and gay members and friends" while it did support initiatives against the HIV epidemic. Now, the previous rule has been replaced with a clear prohibition on financing any actions that "reject any LGBTQIA+ (whatever that means) person or openly discriminate against such people." "It's a very "liberating" day for United Methodists who are actively involved with LGBTQ people," celebrated Rev. David Meredith, board chair for the Reconciling Ministries Network, which has been pushing for LGBTQ inclusion in the church for ages. This general conference is a breath of fresh air compared to the heated ones of the past, noted Jan Lawrence, executive director of the network. "Yes, we're going to have things we disagree on. But the vitriol that we saw in 2019, that is not evident at all." In addition, new rules have been introduced to ensure LGBT individuals are considered alongside other demographic groups when making appointments, aiming for diversity across church boards and bodies. The United Methodist Church (UMC) is holding its first legislative gathering since 2019, showcasing a notably "progressive" group of delegates after over 7,600 predominantly conservative congregations in the US left due to the denomination's relaxed enforcement of prohibitions on same-sex marriage and LGBT ordination. Between 2019 and 2023, these congregations took advantage of a period that allowed them to depart with their properties, which are usually held in trust for the denomination, under more lenient conditions than usual. Conservative factions are pushing for an extension of these terms to include international and US churches that disagree while General Conference's decisions. Rev. Rob Renfroe, president of the conservative advocacy group Good News, expressed his understanding of the UMC's desire to move forward but questioned the fairness of the disaffiliation process: "We get it, the United Methodist Church wants to be done with disaffiliation," he said. "They want to step into a so-called new day. They do not want to keep them from that. But how can disaffiliation be over when it never began for the majority of United Methodists?" Key votes are still spending weeks, including decisions on whether to lift the bans on LGBT clergy and same-sex marriage, as well as the potential replacement of a longstanding document that labeled the "practice of homosexuality ... incompatible with Christian teaching." These proposals received alleged strong support in recent votes recently. As a result many people involved have left the place.

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